in association with AMRI Hospitals Ltd.



The campaign message of World Physical Therapy Day 2019 was ‘Chronic Pain’ and as a ritual like previous years, Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies (NIHS) adoptedthe theme of the WCPT to celebrate World Physical Therapy Day. The day marks the unity and solidarity of the Global Physiotherapy community. It provides a platform to recognise the work that Physiotherapists do for their patients and community.

This year the World Physical Therapy Day 2019celebration took place in two phases. The first phase was Poster competition among the students of NIHSwith the theme topic ‘Chronic Pain’ and the second phase was Physiotherapy awareness campaign in community on Chronic Pain.

8th September provided us an opportunity to educate ourselves and interact with each other to share our views about chronic pain.


Some undergraduate physiotherapy students enthusiastically participated in a poster competition. The students represented their house and topics were different regions of the body; Cervical spine/ neck pain; Low back pain, Knee pain and shoulder pain. The posters were hand painted mainly and described the physiology of pain, causes and sources of chronic pain and management of chronic pain. 64 students participated and put up 16 posters, 4 per group. They presented their posters and it was a commendable group effort. Students were judged based on their concept, knowledge, display and presentation and ability to handle questions.

Keeping in mind our service towards the community, NIHS team conducted a physiotherapy campaign to make the patients aware on the role of physiotherapy in chronic pain and how they can lead a pain free life. To educate people and spread awareness on chronic pain we distributed the flyers and campaign materials which were shared by the WCPT. We also translated the posters in two vernacular languages- Bengali and Hindi Version so that the local people can read and understand clearly the message that we are trying to spread.


80 undergraduate and post-graduate physiotherapy students and faculty members participated in the event. Two teams were created. One team of 40 physiotherapy students and faculty members conducted a home to home campaign. This team reached the community where people were unaware on the role physiotherapy in pain management. We visited round 50-60 families in Ward no 24, and Ward no 26 in Girish Park area, North Kolkata, West Bengal and found that in most of homes, one or the other family members suffered from a painful conditions like Lumbar Spondylosis, loss of movement due to Adhesive Capsulitis, Osteoarthritis Knee, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Cervical spondylosis, etc, but had ignored the pain due to the influence of myths and disbelieves. We spoke to each patient and found some patients had been ignoring their suffering as they believed that surgery was their last resort.

The second team set up a camp at North Kolkata Ananda Bashar Club located in Beadon Street, Kolkata, West Bengal. One of the patients who visited our campaign site had been suffering from chronic low back pain with radiation to his left legand could walk with difficulty. He was a young boy in his early twenties, doing a front desk job and had not paid any heed to his condition as he understood that there was no real cure for his condition and now. We did a preliminary examination and discovered he has a Lumbar Disc Prolapse, so we had advised him to undergo physiotherapy treatment. Our motto was to break the myths about chronic pain, educate people about the control measuresand explain the benefits of exercise for chronic pain. Flyers were distributed to around 500 people and those who suffered from chronic pain were advised to visit Nopany Physiotherapy Clinic for a detailed assessment and physiotherapy treatment which would be provided to them free of cost for 10 sessions as a part of the campaign.

We concluded the program with a positive feeling that we couldspread the message on the role of Physiotherapy in combating challenges of chronic pain and provide effective methods in control of their conditions, increase their activity levels and improve their quality of life.

NIHS team at awareness campaign at at North Kolkata Ananda Bashar Club, Beadon Street, Kolkata on World Physical Therapy Day 2019

NIHS team at awareness campaign at at North Kolkata Ananda Bashar Club, Beadon Street, Kolkata on World Physical Therapy Day 2019

NIHS team at awareness campaign at at North Kolkata Ananda Bashar Club, Beadon Street, Kolkata on World Physical Therapy Day 2019

NIHS team at awareness campaign at at North Kolkata Ananda Bashar Club, Beadon Street, Kolkata on World Physical Therapy Day 2019

NIHS team at awareness campaign at at North Kolkata Ananda Bashar Club, Beadon Street, Kolkata on World Physical Therapy Day 2019

NIHS team at awareness campaign at at North Kolkata Ananda Bashar Club, Beadon Street, Kolkata on World Physical Therapy Day 2019

NIHS team on World Physical Therapy Day 2019

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News & Events

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    23 Apr, 2024
    Final BPT university Examination

    20 Apr, 2024
    NIHS 2nd alumni meet

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    Parent teacher meeting for 2nd and 4th BPT

    18 Mar, 2024
    MPT university Examination 2021 batch

    12 Mar, 2024
    Women's day celebration

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    Saraswati Puja celebration

    07 Feb, 2024
    Mobility Aids Distribution at Kulpi

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    College Picnic

    20 Jan, 2024
    Sarcopenia Screening Camp

    17 Jan, 2024
    Annual Day Celebrations

    12 Jan, 2024
    Vivek Jayanti Camp

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    Annual Lunch

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    12 Dec, 2023
    ICC prize distribution

    03 Dec, 2023
    Camp on World Disability Day

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    Intra College competition

    26 Nov, 2023
    Sarcopenia screening camp and Health Checkup

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    09 Oct, 2023
    Final BPT 1st internal started

  • September 2023

    25 Sep, 2023
    University exam for 2nd BPT

    19 Sep, 2023
    University examination for 4th BPT

    19 Sep, 2023
    University exam for 3rd BPT

    08 Sep, 2023
    Celebration of World Physiotherapy Day

    04 Sep, 2023
    University exam for 1st BPT

  • August 2023

    21 August, 2023
    Happy Feet camp was conducted at Nopany High School

    18 August, 2023
    Internship for 2018 batch

    15 August, 2023
    Celebration of Independence Day

    07 August, 2023
    Declaration of final BPT 2018 batch results

  • July 2023

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    17 July, 2023
    1st, 2nd, 3rd BPT final internal

    17 July, 2023
    MPT 2020 batch final examination conducted by WBHS

    17 July, 2023
    MPT 2021 batch internal examination

    07 July, 2023
    Declaration of final BPT 2018 batch results

    01 July, 2023
    BPT 2018 batch final examination conducted by WBUHS

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