in association with AMRI Hospitals Ltd.

Physiotherapy Clinic


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Workshop List

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Facilitation & Inhibition techniques in Neuro Rehabilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Webinar IAP Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal 5th January 2021
(2 hours)
Clinical decision making in cranio-cervical dysfunction with MET+Neural Mobilization + MFR Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Kolkata 16th & 17th January 2021 (16 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Cervicogenic Headache (Most Misdiagnosed Condition) Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Webinar by Physiomax Educational Hub 27th July 2020
(2 hours)
Understanding the treatment concept of Clubfoot correction by Ponseti method Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Webinar by LMRF Healthcare, Chittagong Bangladesh 01st July 2020
(2 hours)
Facilitation & Inhibition techniques in Neuro Physiotherapy Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Webinar The Physio Inculcators, Kota, Rajasthan 03rdJuly 2020
(2 hours)
Neurodynamic Therapy for Radiculopathy Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Webinar Physionews 24, Bangladesh 05th May 2020
(1 hour)
Certified Myofascial Release Practitioner Course Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Dhaka, Bangladesh 1st to 4th January 2020 (32 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Inhouse Training in advance Physiotherapeutic Practice in Club Foot Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Chattogram 29th & 30th December 2019 (16 hours)
Clinical Decision making in Lumbosacral Dysfunction and IASTM Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Kolkata 6th to 8th September 2019 (16 hours)
Certified Myofascial Release Practitioner Course Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Dhaka, Bangladesh 18th to 21st May 2019 (32 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Clinical Decision making in Lumbosacral Dysfunction and IASTM Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Kolkata 28th to 30th November (16 hours)
Vestibular Rehabilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Nopany Group of Institution, Kolkata 30th July 2018
(8 hours)
Clinical decision making in craniocervical dysfunction and myofascial release Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Kolkata 20th to 22nd July 2018
(16 hours)
Clinical decision making in craniocervical dysfunction and myofascial release Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Kolkata 2nd to 3rd March 2018 (16 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Geetanjali University, Udaipur 24 thAugust 2016
(8 hours)
Bands, Ball and Balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Udaipur, Rajasthan 18 th March 2016
(8 hours)
UTI management in women Dr. Anwesh Pradhan International Physiotherapy Conference
Organized by JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Udaipur
18 th March 2016
(8 hours)
Basic PNF Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Geetanjali College of Physiotherapy, Udaipur 12th February 2016 (8 hours)
Bands, Ball and Balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Dhaka, Bangladesh 15th January 2016
(8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
PAIN Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Hi-Tech Medical college, Bhubaneswar 2015 (8 hours)
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Hi-Tech Medical college, Bhubaneswar 2015 (8 hours)
Cervical spine stability and dynamic muscle balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Woodlands Multispeciality Hospital, Kolkata 5-6th December 2015 (16 hours)
Know your Joints: The Shoulder “Scapular Dyskinesis” Dr. Tanusree Basak Iris Hospital, Kolkata 12th April 2015
(8 hours)
Cervical spine stability and dynamic muscle balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD SBS college of Physiotherapy, Dehradun March 2015
(8 hours)
Cervical spine stability and dynamic muscle balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD The PiCON Bhubneshwar February 2015
(8 hours)
Pain: A Multifacet Entity Dr. Tanusree Basak Hitech College of Physiotherapy, Bhubaneshwar 6th February 2015
(8 hours)
BPPV Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Sate IAP Conference organized by Indian Association of Physiotherapists, West Bengal 2015 (8 hours)
Functional PNF Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Hitech College of Physiotherapy, Bhubneshwar 2015 (8 hours)
Pain and Physiotherapy Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Hitech College of Physiotherapy, Bhubneshwar 2015 (8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Kolkata 2014 (8 hours)
Vestibular Rehabilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Hi-Tech Medical college, Bhubaneswar 2014 (8 hours)
Train and Treat with Bands and Ball Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD New Delhi December 23-24, 2014
(16 hours)
Pain: A Multifacet Entity Dr. Tanusree Basak CMRI, Kolkata 14th December 2014 (8 hours)
Workshop for Therapist and community facilitator on Disability Development  and Rehabilitation Therapy services Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Cini Moyna and Howrah south point, Kolkata 21st November 2014
(8 hours)
Train and Treat with Bands and Ball Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Colombo, Sri Lanka October 5-6, 2014
(16 hours)
Workshop for Therapist and community facilitator on Disability Development  and Rehabilitation Therapy services Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal DON BOSCO, Assam & Nagaland 24-29 September 2014
(40 hours)
Workshop for Therapist and community facilitator on Disability Development  and Rehabilitation Therapy services Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Voluntary health association of Tripura, Tripura 22nd August 2014
(8 hours)
Workshop for Therapist and community facilitator on Disability Development  and Rehabilitation Therapy services Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Jana Seva  Parisad, Bihar 4th July 2014
(8 hours)
Workshop for Therapist and community facilitator on Disability Development  and Rehabilitation Therapy services Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Nishakt jana kalyan seva samity, Chhattisgarh 18th April 2014
(8 hours)
Bands, Ball and Balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Hitech Medical College nd Hospital 13th April 2014
(8 hours)
Workshop for Therapist and community facilitator on Disability Development  and Rehabilitation Therapy services Dr. Tapas Kumar Pal Bharatiya Jana uthahn parisad, Jharkhand 3rd March 2014
(8 hours)
Train and treat with bands and balls Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD SardarBhagwan Singh Institute of Post Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Research, Dehradoon 25.03 to 26.03.2014
(16 hours)
Train and treat with Bands and Balls Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, New delhi 22.03-23.03.2014
(16 hours)
Gait- an Analysis of its Neuro-musculo-Skeletal Components Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD
Dr. Bodhisatwa Maity (PT)
Belle Vue Clinic 15.2.2014 (8 hours)
Muscle proteins - Aunique solar system of the amazing physiological universe Dr. Gargi Ray Chaudhuri, PhD Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies, Kolkata January 2014 (8 hours)
Urinary Incontinence Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Sate IAP Conference organized by Indian Association of Physiotherapists, Kolkata, West Bengal 2014 (8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Gait- an Analysis of its Neuro-musculo-Skeletal Components Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD
Dr. Bodhisatwa Maity (PT)
Nopany Institute of Professional Studies 23.11.2013 (8 hours)
Scoliosis: from Radiographics to clinics Dr. Tanusree Basak Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies, Kolkata 3rd August 2013
(8 hours)
Bands, Ball and Balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Institute of Applied Medicine and Research, Ghaziabad 23.01. - 24.01.2013
(16 hours)
Train and treat with bands and balls Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD SardarBhagwan Singh Institute of Post Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Research, Dehradoon 21 -22.01.2013
(16 hours)
Functional PNF Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies, Kolkata 2013 (8 hours)
Vestibular Rehabilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies, Kolkata 2013 (8 hours)
Vestibular Rehabilitation Dr. Anwesh Pradhan Hitech College of Physiotherapy, Bhubneshwar 2013 (8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Gait Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD
Dr. Bodhisatwa Maity (PT)
Dr. Anwesh Pradhan (PT)
Nopany Institute of Professional Studies 16.6.2012 (8 hours)
Train and treat with bands and balls Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Nopany Institute of Professional Studies 20.5.2012 (8 hours)
Train and treat with bands and balls Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy 14.04.2012 (8 hours)
Core Stability and Balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy 13.04.2012 (8 hours)
Elastic Resistance Training: from Basics to Functional Rehabilitation Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy 12.04.2012 (8 hours)
Core Stability and Balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD SardarBhagwan Singh Institute of Post Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Research, Dehradoon 24.01.2012 (8 hours)
Elastic Resistance Training: from Basics to Functional Rehabilitation Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD SardarBhagwan Singh Institute of Post Graduate Biomedical Sciences and Research, Dehradoon 23.01.2012 (8 hours)
Elastic Resistance Training Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Institute of Applied Medicine and Research, Ghaziabad 22.01.2012 (8 hours)
Neural control of Locomotion Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD
Dr. Bodhisatwa Maity (PT)
Belle Vue Clinic 2012 (8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Theraband Workshop Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Nopany Auditorium 26.09.2010 (8 hours)
Fitness workshop Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD
Dr. Shambhovi Bhaduri (PT)
Dr. Saurav Koley
Addlife Gym 08.08.2010 (8 hours)
Train and treat with bands and balls Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD IAP, WB 12.3.2010 (8 hours)
Respiratory Physiotherapy in ICU Dr. Anwesh Pradhan The Mission Hospital, Durgapur 2010 (8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Ventilator care Dr. Anwesh Pradhan The Mission Hospital, Durgapur 2009 (8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Bands, Balls and Balance Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Belle Vue Clinic 25.05.2008 (8 hours)

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Thera-Band training Prof. Shabnam Agarwal Germany 14-17.07.2007

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Management of Low Back pain Prof. Shabnam Agarwal Rotary Club 2006

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Cervical Spine and Upper Quadrant Muscle Dysfunction Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Westbank Hospital January 16, 2005
Osteoporosis Management Prof. Shabnam Agarwal, PhD Shree Bhownipore Gujrati Stree Mandal, 2005

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Management of Low Back pain Prof. Shabnam Agarwal Rotary Club, Mahanagar 05.04.2004

Workshop Topic Presented by Venue Date
Stress Management Prof. Shabnam Agarwal HSBC Hall, Tollygunge Club, Calcutta 07 - 09.03.2000
Stress Management workshop for Tata Tea Limited Prof. Shabnam Agarwal Kolkata 2000
BPT Counselling 2024 MPT Counselling 2024

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