Combined Effect of Myofascial Release and Muscle Energy Technique in a College Going Student With Trapezitis at a Single Session – A Case Study.
Published: VIMS Journal of Physical Therapy. 2024 Jan. - July;6(1):66-69
21st June 2024
ISSN No: 2456 - 4087
Indexed In: Research Bib, Cross Ref , Google scholar, Scilit, Science gate, Research gate
Shilpasree Saha
Effects of Neurodynamics Along With Conventional Exercises on Sciatica Patients: A Single-Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial
Published: Cureus Journal Of Medical Science 2024 16(5): e59722
06th May 2024
ISSN No: 2168-8184
Indexed In: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Web of Science
Anwesh Pradhan
Polycystic ovary syndrome and its management: In view of oxidative stress
Published: Biomolecular Concepts 2024; 15: p1-21
11th December 2023
ISSN No: 1868-503X
Indexed In: Scopus
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Inflammatory perspectives of polycystic ovary syndrome: role of specific mediators and markers
Published: Middle East Fertility Society Journal (2023) 28:33
29th November 2023
ISSN No: 2090-3251
Indexed In: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, DOAJ, Google Scholar, OCLC EMBASE, CLOCKSS, CNPIEC
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Effects of Neurodynamics Versus Neurodynamic Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide in Lumbosacral Radiculopathy
Published: International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research (IJLPR).13(6), L211-L226
01st November 2023
ISSN No: 2250-0480
Indexed In: Web of Science (Since Oct 2023), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Crossref
Anwesh Pradhan | Shabnam Agarwal
Exploration of Baahubali from the Lens of Indian Epics
Published: Das Literarisch.Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023
29th October 2023
ISSN No: 2454-4647
Viral Porecha
Unlocking the Healing Potential: Exploring the Imperative of Soft Skills in Physiotherapy Practice
Published: International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Volume 5, Issue 5, September-October 2023
16th October 2023
EISSN No: 2582-2160
Indexed In: Crossref, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus
Parmita Dhar | Viral Porecha
Effect of Motor Relearning Program with Obstacle Walking on Dynamic Gait Performance and Functional Mobility in Subacute Stroke Subjects
Published: Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy (IJPOT), 17(4), 55–60
10th October 2023
ISSN No: PISSN 0973-5666, EISSN 0973-5674
Indexed In: Crossref. CINAHL, EBSCOhost (USA), Pedro(Australia), Google Scholar, Scilit
Mainak Patra
Detection of flat foot and its correlation with calcaneal position in college going students in kolkata: an observational study
Published: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. 2023. 10(2): 512-520
April 2023
E-ISSN No: 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138
Tanusree Basak | Tapas Kumar Pal | Anwesh Pradhan
Obesity and male infertility: multifaceted reproductive disruption
Published: Middle East Fertility Society Journal(2022); 27(8):1-12
23rd December 2022
ISSN No: 2090-3251
Indexed In: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, DOAJ, Google Scholar, OCLC EMBASE, CLOCKSS, CNPIEC
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Modification of Lifestyle to Recover from Post-COVID Symptoms: A Short Review
Published: Letter to the Editor: An Updated Overview of Low Back Pain Management.
12th December 2022
pISSN No: 1976-1902, eISSN: 1976-7846
Indexed In: PubMed / PubMed Central, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals, Korea Citation Index, KoreaMed, CrossRef, Google Scholar, and Naver Academic.
Shilpasree Saha
Modification of Lifestyle to Recover from Post-COVID Symptoms: A Short Review
Published: J Lifestyle Med. 2022 Sep 30; 12(3):113-118.
30th September 2022
ISSN No: 2234-8549, eISSN: 2288-1557
Indexed In: Pubmed, Pubmed Central, Cross Ref , Google scholar
Shilpasree Saha
Role of anti-Mullerian hormone in polycystic ovary syndrome
Published: Middle East Fertility Society Journal(2022); 27(32):1-10
07th October 2022
ISSN No: 2090-3251
Indexed In: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, DOAJ, Google Scholar, OCLC EMBASE, CLOCKSS, CNPIEC
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Modification of Lifestyle to Recover from Post-COVID Symptoms: A Short Review
Published: J Lifestyle Med. 2022 Sep 30; 12(3):113-118.
30th September 2022
ISSN No: 2234-8549, eISSN: 2288-1557
Indexed In: Pubmed, Pubmed Central, Cross Ref , Google scholar
Shilpasree Saha
Effectiveness of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation technique on cervicogenic headache in smartphone addicted college students: a randomized clinical trial
Published: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews.2022. 9(2): 596-606
June 2022
E-ISSN No: 2348-1269, 2349-5138
Anwesh Pradhan | Tapas Kumar Pal | Tanusree Basak
Osteoarthritis of knee
Published: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews.2022. 9(2): 808-818
June 2022
Anwesh Pradhan | Tapas Kumar Pal | Shabnam Agarwal
Transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance mathematical performance in school going developmental dyscalculic children: A single group pretest-posttest, quasi experimental study
Published: J Physiother Res. 2021;11(3):xx-xx.
Srivastav AK | Chatterjee S.
Published: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
Volume 8 | Issue 2 | April 2021 / 282-288
Rohit Banerjee | Tapas Kumar Pal | Tanusree Basak | Anwesh Pradhan | Shabnam Agarwal
Periodontitis as an Independent Factor in Pathogenesis of Erectile Dysfunction
Published: Biomed Pharmacol J 2020;13(1)
Kulshrestha R | Chaudhuri G. R | Bhattacharya K | Dutta S | Sengupta P
Effects Of Mirror Therapy On Oedema, Pain And Functional Activities In Patients With Poststroke Shoulder-Hand Syndrome: a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Published: Physiother Res Int.2021;1–8.
Saha S | Sur M | Ray Chaudhuri G | Agarwal S
Translation of the questionnaire ‘Sarcopenia- Quality of Life’ into Bangla
Published: September 2020
S Agarwal | G Ray Chaudhuri | M Sur | Hassan M
Functional Balance & Gait Balance In Normal Geriatric Population: By Gait Training With Multiple Task.
Publication: Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. October-December 2018; 12(4);39-45.
A.Pradhan | R.Raj | G.Ray Chaudhuri | S.Agarwal | T.Basak
Effects Of Burst Tens Over Upper Trapezius Trigger Points; A Pilot Dosimetry Study
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2018; 5(9):
Tapas Kumar Pal | Soumyadeep Roy | Tanusree Basak | Anwesh Pradhan | Shabnam Agarwal
Evidence-Based National Consensus: Recommendations for Physiotherapy Management in COVID-19 in Acute Care Indian Setup
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Mariya P Jiandani | Bela Agarwal | Gaurang Baxi | Sudeep Kale | Titiksha Pol | Anjali Bhise | Unnati Pandit | Jaimala V Shetye | Abhijit Diwate | Umanjali Damke | Savita Ravindra | Prajakta Patil | Raziya M Nagarwala | Pratibha Gaikwad | Shabnam Agarwal | Kushal Madan | Prasobh Jacob | Praveen J Surendran | Narasimman Swaminathan
Comparative Efficacy of Wrist Manipulation, Progressive Exercises and Both Treatments in Patients with Tennis Elbow
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2018;8(4):87-94.
Tanusree Basak | Tapas Kumar Pal | Biswajit Saha | Shabnam Agarwal | Tirthadeep Das
A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Ischaemic Compression and Dry Needling with Muscle Energy Technique in Patients with Upper Trapezius Myofascial Trigger Points
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2018;8(4):74-81.
Tanusree Basak | Tapas Kumar Pal | Munmun Sasi | Shabnam Agarwal
Effect of Task-oriented Training with and without Trunk Restraint on Reaching Activity in Adult Hemiparetics
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 2018;12(1):7-11.
Ibtisam Sani Sulaiman | Anwesh Pradhan | Gargi Ray Chaudhuri | Shabnam Agarwal | Tirthadeep Das
Neuroplasticity - A Biochemical Wonder
Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists 2017;1(2):67-72.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Effectiveness of FIFA’s 11 Exercise Program on the Agility Performance in Young Football Players
Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists 2017;1(2):60-66.
Tapas Kumar Pal | Sourov Saha
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Low Back Pain among Auto-Rickshaw Drivers in Urban Kolkata, India
International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review 2017;5(5):85-92.
Shabnam Agarwal | Anwesh Pradhan | Gargi Ray Chaudhuri | Soumitra Das
Dry Needling: Physiological Effects in Human Musculoskeletal Pain
Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists 2017;1(1):12-16.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Efficacy of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Vastus MedialisObliques in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A double blinded randomized controlled trail.
International Journal of Therapies & Rehabilitation Research 2016; 5(5):149-156.
Sourov Saha
Normative Values of Modified- modified Schober Test in Measuring Lumbar flexion and extension: A Cross- Sectional Study.
International Journal of Health Science and Research 2016; 6(7):177-187.
Sourov Saha
Effectiveness of an Elastic Band Exercise Protocol in Tri-Compartmental Osteoarthritis of the Knee.
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 2015; 9(2):176-181.
Shabnam Agarwal
Normative Data for the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency in Indian Children 6½ to 9½ Years Old: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Critical ReviewsT in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2012; 24(1-2):125-136.
Sourov Saha
Mechanism-based Classification of Pain for Physical Therapy Management in Palliative care: A Clinical Commentary.
Indian Journal of Palliative Care 2011; 17(1):80-86.
Sourov Saha
Reliability and validity of the Hindi version of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale in cervical radiculopathy.
Disability and Rehabilitation 2006; 28(22):1405-1412.
Shabnam Agarwal
Evaluation of Cervical Range of Motion in a Cervical Radiculopathy Patient Group and a Matched Control Group Using the Spint-T Goniometer.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 2005; 9(2):93-101.
Shabnam Agarwal
Validation of the Spin-T goniometer, a cervical range of motion device.
Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 2005; 28(8):604-609.
Shabnam Agarwal
Reliability of the Spin-T cervical goniometer in measuring cervical range of motion in an asymptomatic Indian population.
Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics 2005; 28(7):487-492.
Shabnam Agarwal
Effect of Sodium arsenite on Spermatogenesis, plasma gonadotropin and testosterone in Rats.
Asian Journal of Andrology 2003; 5:27-31.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Effect of Atenolol on Cadmium induced testicular toxicity in male rats.
Journal of Reproductive Toxicology 2001; 15(6):699-704.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Effect of casein diet on gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist induced changes in advanced gonadal functions in male rats.
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2001; 39(12):1249-53.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Prevention of adrenocortical hyperactivity by dietary casein in rats exposed to forced swimming stress.
Journal of Experimental Biology 2001; 39(2):178-180.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Influence of adrenal cortex on testicular activity in toad during breeding season.
Life Sciences 2000; 66(13):1253-1260.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Antitesticular effect of Copper chloride in albino rats.
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 1999; 24(5):393-397.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Protection of adrenocortical activity by dietary casein in rats treated with estrogen.
Medical Science Research 1999; 27:415-417.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Indomethacin protection against testicular lipid peroxidation and depletion of testicular ascorbic acid and serum testosterone in cadmium-treated rats.
Medical Science Research 1998; 26:187-189.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Effect of corticosterone on testicular steriodogenesis in the toad during hibernation.
Medical science research 1997; 25:827-828.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
Effects of Sodium Arsenite on adrenocortical activities in male rats: dose duration dependent responses.
Medical science research 1995; 23:153.
Gargi Ray Chaudhuri
A Retrospective Study of the Epidemiology of Poliomyelitis.
Indian Medical Gazette 1994; C28(12):420-423.
Shabnam Agarwal
A Study of the Pattern of Muscle Involvement in Guillain Barre' Syndrome.
Journal of the IAP 1993; Dec:23-30.
Shabnam Agarwal
8 March, 2025
Women’s Day Celebration
18-25 Feb, 2025
IQAC review meeting
18 Feb, 2025
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th BpT 1st internal examination started
4-10 Feb, 2025
1st BPT and 3rd BPT suppleementary university practical Examinations
3 Feb, 2025
Saraswati puja celebration
1 Feb, 2025
Mobility aids distribution at Bolpur
26 Jan, 2025
Republic Day Celebration
23 Jan, 2025
Vivek Jayanti: A Physiotherapy Camp
24 Dec, 2024
Intra-College Championship Prize Distribution at Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies
18 Dec, 2024
Intra-College Championship at Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies
16 Dec, 2024
Welcoming New Beginnings – Freshers’ Day Celebration at Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies
8 Dec, 2024
Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies Marks 20 Years of Excellence in Physiotherapy Education
18-23 Nov, 2024
15 Nov, 2024
MPT 2022 University Practical Examination
7 Nov, 2024
Induction Day: A New Beginning for Aspiring Students
22 Oct, 2024
MPT 2022 University Examination
BPT 1st old syllabus University examination
9 Sep, 2024
BPT 3rd University examination
9 Sep, 2024
1st BPT (new regulation) University examination
5 Aug, 2024
First Aid Training: Empowering Students with Life-Saving Skills
I came know about this college through my relatives. Coming from a different city and different state, a different culture, I was worried at the beginning. But the environment of the campus was warm and I felt as if I belonged here. My teachers are kind, helpful, and enriched with knowledge. Under their guidance, I grew every day. I got a good group of friends who helped me learn Bengali language
Practicals, camps were a great source in getting in touch with theory and I always participated in the camps.
Even at the time of pandemic, our learning was not breached. Our online class started as early as possible and our faculties have taken regular classes and shared their knowledge. I felt like at the times of difficulties we grew stronger.
Bishwas Ranjan
Hazaribagh, Jharkhand
Batch 2018
My experience in NIHS has been quite amazing. I came to know about this college from the internet and it turned out to be one of best colleges inKolkata. This college has everything that requires to be the best physiotherapy college, especially the highly qualified teaching faculties who bring the best in students.
Shivani Kumari
Bihar, India
Batch 2017
It gives me complete satisfaction to be a part of Nopany Institute of Healthcare Studies. It has absolutely been a rewarding journey to study my Bachelors of Physiotherapy in this institute. Their strong academic programs, readily accessible faculty and a variety of events create an excellent learning environment to gain practical and professional skills and most importantly, confidence. The institute provides opportunities in academics and beyond for the wholesome learning experience for its students.
Ibtasham Nasir
Kolkata, India
Batch 2017
From the past 3 years, my life at NIHS made me stronger and took me a step ahead to be an independent woman. I am thankful to all the teachers who supported me and corrected me throughout my studies. The events that I took part at NIHS helped me to grow my confidence. I would recommend NIHS to any student who is looking for a fruitful career in physiotherapy.
Tuhina Shee
Jamshedpur, India
Batch 2017
NIHS is one of the most prestigious institutions of Physiotherapy in Kolkata. I am obliged to be a student of this college. The faculties are moulding and shaping me into the professional I aspire to become. I love this college, along with the challenges and experiences that come with it.
Michael Lalrohlua
Aizawl, India
Batch 2017
I came to know about this institution from internet. I wanted to pursue BPT and after getting information online, I chose this Institution. In the beginning, I was a little scared because of the new city life and new people but, my classmates and faculty members never made me feel different. This college is good and faculties are really good and cooperative.
Susmita Das
Aizawl, India
Batch 2017
Initially after coming from Mumbai, I was a bit confused in choosing my college here in Kolkata.I am glad that I opted for NIHS. I am fortunate to be a student of NIHS. My college has a well- stocked library, clinic and laboratory which make learning easier and interesting. This college is considered as one of the best Physiotherapy Colleges under the West Bengal University of Health Sciences, with renowned faculty members who are really good and cooperative.
Diksha Palit
Kolkata, India
Batch 2017
NIHS has played a very crucial role in starting my career in the field of physiotherapy. NIHS’ vision of shaping lives of students through quality education and training makes it stand tall apart from all other institutions. The faculty here are very supportive and inspiring.
Swarup Ghosh
Kolkata, India
Batch 2017
Being a student of the same institution during my BPT I had no doubts in mind , where I have to do my MPT. NIHS was always my first choice. The care and help I received from faculty members during my BPT studies helped me to choose this institution. The method of teaching MPT students here is loved by all of us.
Sarmin Akhtar
Arambag, India
MPT 2016
I come to know about this institution from internet and feedback from my relatives who resides in Kolkata, helped me to choose this institution. I did my BPT from Dhaka university and after joining the institutions to pursue my masters, I was little frightened because the country is new to me, new people, but the students and faculty members never made me feel as foreigner. I am enlighten by the knowledge I gained during my study period.
Shaon Bhattacharya
Dhaka, Bangladesh
MPT 2016
My brother being a student of NIOH Kolkata,gave me the choice to take admission in NIHS. The college is good and faculties are really good their class are very much interesting and explain things very clearly. Hostels was an issue initially but I got adjusted soon. Now my best friends are my hostel mates. Thank you NIHS.
Kajol Singh
Uttar Pradesh, India
Batch 2015
I am obliged to be a part of this college. The teachers here are really helpful. I have got a lot of exposure through this college. I love this college.
Arfin Ara
Sikkim, India
Batch 2015
I always wanted to help people and physiotherapy is the best profession to help reduce the pain and agony of people. NIHS will not only help you to excel in study but also inspire you to do the best in other part of life through different social and cultural activity. Sports days are my favourite.
Anshu Kumar
Siraha, Nepal
Batch 2015
NIHS is the best physiotherapy institution of Kolkata , West Bengal with most experienced faculty members and well maintained clinic. NIHS gives 100% result in university examinations. It has given me vast knowledge on physiotherapy and changed my perception regarding the subject.
Animesh Choudhury
Murshidabad, India
Batch 2014
This is the institution where I am pursuing my dream. As a student I gained here everything, which I needed. I am thankful to all teaching faculties who are extremely helpful and supportive. The well equipped clinic here provides a great exposure to the patients. I must say that if anyone really want to dive into a world of physiotherapy then NIHS is the right place to start with. I am proud to be a Nopanian.
Shruti Kabra
Kolkata, India
Batch 2014
4 ½ years of college seemed so long when I first started out, but it turned out to be a splendid journey with the support of faculties and cooperation of friends. This college had prepared me as a person I need to be for my profession and my life. My college life has been a mixture of fun, joy, stress, struggle and learning which I am glad to have experienced.
Lalrinkimi Lianhn
Aizwal, India
Batch 2014
I am proud to be a student of NIHS. It is the place which has made me what so ever I am today. The faculty not only helped me with academics but also shaped me into the whole grown physiotherapist. Institute provides internship at different hospitals which gives a good exposure and knowledge to the students. Institute time to time organises interactive sessions like case presentations, seminars etc which helps in learning and boosting knowledge.
Namita Kaushik
Kolkata, India
Batch 2012
I came across the college over the internet by coincidence, and it turned out to be a good one. NIHS has been an eye-opener in more ways than curricular. It is a place to grow and realise oneself: a journey through self discovery.
Ibtisam Sani Suleiman
Nigeria, Africa
(MPT- Neurology, 2012-2013 Batch)
NIHS has provided me enormous knowledge of physiotherapy and changed my concepts regarding the subject. It has made me realize the need of physiotherapy in today's fast paced lives. The clinic is well equipped and provides many practice sessions. Seeing patients improve is very motivating. The library is well stocked.
Pooja Biswakarma
From Kalimgpong
PT 1st yr (2011 batch)
NIHS is considered as one of the best physiotherapy institutes under the West Bengal University of Health Sciences, with renowned faculty members, well maintained clinic and library. It's a very good experience studying at NIHS. The administration is very effective when it comes to solving problems of the students.
Blessy P. Baby
Momgam, North Sikkim
I am very much glad to be a student of NIHS. It is the best institute of Kolkata for physiotherapy education. There is a well-stocked library, highly skilled teaching staff and well equipped physiotherapy clinic. The students obtain best results in university examinations every year. I am proud of my college.
MD. Moinul Hassan
Gazipur, Dhaka Bangladesh
I consider myself fortunate to be studying a unique course in one of the finest professional colleges of Kolkata. It offers a warm welcome to overseas students. It has a well- stocked library, clinic and laboratory which make learning easier and interesting. Continuous assessments are conducted through assignments quiz, etc. constant guidance and support is offered by the academic staff.
Anam Fatima
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
I always wanted to be in medical fields. At NIHS, I have learned all that I needed as a student, from better educational to extra curriculum activities. We get Inspiring professors and a good library where you can sit and study. What else a student need!!
BPT Batch 2012
NIHS is a place of knowledge, which taught me all the many lessons I have learnt, not just studies but also the responsibility as a physiotherapist, how to serve the needy and the ones with pain. I thank all the talented teachers, who have changed my life and helped me to become one of the professionals. It is indeed the most memorable experience in Kolkata.
BPT Batch 2012
I am glad to be a student of NIHS. It is the best institute of Kolkata for physiotherapy education. It provides all the opportunities to its students for study. There is highly skilled teaching staff and well equipped physiotherapy clinic. The student obtains best results in university examinations every year. I am proud of being Nopanians.
Swati Mohapatra
BPT Batch 2016
I chose this institute because I wanted to be a physiotherapist and this is one of the best institutes in West Bengal. This institute has an excellent faculty with appropriate access to clinical knowledge.
Tuhin Das
BPT Batch 2012
I chose NIHS because the faculty and infrastructure of this college is very good. The placement records and academic results of NIHS are also very good. Moreover we get a homely atmosphere here and the faculty are friendly and supportive.
Chandni Choudhury
BPT Batch 2014